Saturday, June 26, 2010

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brand clothing for Kids

designer clothing for children - must that be? Children want to be dressed chick, clothes must be the "in" and of course original from a known brand. Parents and adults are divided on the new brand awareness among kids. Some think: brand mania in Kidies must not be, they always grow too quickly out of the clothes, the others think: children have a right to good quality and branded goods. Thus, for selling children's clothing brand even better again when it no longer fits.
The magic garden helps online shop for children's clothing you and the selection makes it easy and offers well arranged exclusive children's brand fashions for boys and girls, maternity fashion for the trendy mom.
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Saturday, June 19, 2010

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know comments on the Football World Cup in South Africa

(Wertingen 15.06.2010) On the internet pages of the magazines "secession" and "Blue Daffodil" contains articles critical of the current World Cup. Read and easy to learn more! 1726-why-not-the-football-patriotism-is-true not-interest-thought-a-football fans

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"Wertinger newspaper - NO THANKS!

(Wertingen 01.06.2010) The following leaflet was distributed by friends and members of the Citizens' Initiative for Wertingen and districts "throughout the Government Wertingen.

Sunday, June 13, 2010

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Seefried is in favor with Mayor and FDP

(Wertingen 02/03/2010) could come up with a surprise city and county council Peter Seefried BIW at the last Board meeting. In a personal conversation with the Lord Mayor could irritate the last time are eliminated. It was agreed fight in the future together for the good of the city Wertingen.
"You could tell that was desired by both sides Teamwork. The aim must be, despite very different opinions, to create a basis of political coexistence, or at least the political coexistence. And it would be quite pleasant for all concerned parties to work in a more relaxed political climate, "said Seefried his fellow board members. All members present were in agreement with the criticism against the local FDP and its president Bruno Hempel. The FDP had called in a press release Seefried, about his allegations against the mayor "to act" at last. BIW's spokesman, Hubert Mayer, "The FDP fails to be a little reality. Neither Mr. Seefried, nor the BIW are a law enforcement agency that could act as such. The citizen initiative is rather with their work for policy development. Just the fact that tens of thousands of leaflets were distributed in recent years and not a single passage of a leaflet had to be withdrawn only partly a testament to the quality and veracity of the pamphlets. "Peter Seefried commented yet that in the last two years was hardly a press release Wertinger FDP, in which there is not a Jab at BIW was. Whether produce Dillinger District election or a painful accident to a knife Passau police chiefs, all trying to connect to the FDP BIW. Some BIW members seen in the defeat of Bruno Hempel at the last mayoral election the reason for this unnecessary action. "Third place probably has some liberals utterly defeated mind," said Swen black. Finally, welcomed all the members that the City of Dillingen on the renaming of the Georg-Hogen-ring has been abandoned. The working group "district policy" of the BIW had numerous citizens Dillinger distributed over 5,000 flyers to advertise in those for the retention of the name was.

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WZ-letter criticized the tragic car accident between Oberpfaffenhofen and Blindheim

(Schwenningen 03/01/2010) Since I live near the accident site, can I understand the words of the Wertinger police chiefs not entirely, in which he claims that it would come from the police to large-scale search operations. The fact is that only become visible after the discovery of the car accident by a privately organized search operation, the police.
before me are not a helicopter, nor reinforces police presence noticed. This to me is all the more surprising because the crashing was only just in Buttenwiesen and later went to visit relatives in Schwenningen. Maybe I am a layman when it comes to missing persons, but common sense says it but one that is of course only scans the likely path properly. It is not easy to attribute blame to the police, but there is many people under their breath that the official action was more than unhappy. A publicly assessable investigation of the events but no one brings back to life, save maybe the right people at the right places in future lives.


Hubert Mayer

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solidarity with former Mayor George Hogen!

(Dillingen 20.12.2009) The "Citizens' Initiative for Wertingen and neighborhoods eV participates at the current debate about the Dillinger former mayor George Hogen with an attached leaflet.

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interesting historical find from the 1965

(Wertingen 05.11.2009) The following message appeared in 1965 on a Swabian regional newspaper.

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Seefried Calls sustainable transport system for Wertingen and county

(Wertingen 20.10.2009) met after the summer break, the CEO of BIW advanced to a meeting. Here, the previous federal election, transport policy in the city Wertingen and the county and the forthcoming annual general meeting were discussed. Swen was black in an analysis for the parliamentary elections shocked by the high results of the Left Party.
Be but this is a sign of utter helplessness of the voters to find an alternative to the current Party cartel. However, the Left Party is not the solution to current problems, but also responsible. 'Finally, the Left Party, the official successor to the SED party wall murderer and this has not only left thousands of people on the fate of conscience, but also an economic disaster in the shape of the GDR, "said Swen Black concluded. With the current traffic situation in Wertingen dealt county and city councilor Peter Seefried. So be two weeks, a further indication of the overall concepts of the city became apparent. Thus, of the city just installed at the height Müller market in a blind curve Park marks. After Peter Seefried both in the city and make representations to the local police and was on the dangerous nonsense this out, decided to Mayor Lehman but a better and more distant these markers immediately. Peter Seefried said: "I urge my City Council colleagues and to the Lord Mayor to develop a sustainable transport system, rather than make quick shots with any ridiculous. Even the impossible conditions during the weekly market can not be continued. The city, the traders, the police and every citizen should be included here in order to reach a promising solution. "The idea of the Free Voters, that no more buses to drive through the city center was heavily criticized. CEO Hubert Mayer spoke of a cross-county traffic problem. Only for electoral purposes is spoken on transport concepts. For example, before the local government was suddenly the subject of S-Bahn in the Kitchen. After the election, there was neither the District nor the ruling parties of the issue any statements. Finally gave the 2 Board Bernd Zuna known that the end of October will be held the annual general meeting and elections. Here is also a political battle plan for 2010 to be created.