Monday, February 28, 2011

Vidios So De Incestos

instead of banning free speech! No DDR-light!

(Wertingen 2.28 .2011) A shocking video that shows as the citizens rights are affected more and more. German Michl finally wake up and get active!

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Will Eating To Much Oats Cause Gout

Wertinger City Council meeting: City Hall Riesebeck a bottomless pit

(Wertingen 02/16/2011) The first item on the agenda of the council meeting of 07 February concerned the roof restoration of the city hall Wertingen. The results of investigations by the commissioned architects were devastating, with the following causes of loss were observed: A) the roof pitch is too small for you to have the roof tiles can cover B), the rain drainage is the main roof on the side roof derived, which has led to difficulties C) Improper processing of the roof without seal D) Transactions of tubes without clean compress e) the lack of airtight planes F) defective vapor barrier in design and size G) cracks in the main and secondary beams H) cracks by long-term water inlet
The architectural firm recommends to refrain from a tile roof, instead switch to a metal covering of galvanized steel. The cost is then about 940 000 €. A tile roof would cause "only" cost 840 000 €, but then there would be still too low a pitch and it would have about 4-5000 Holes for the slats are drilled into the substructure, which in turn could lead to problems regarding the leak. This repair operation would take about 8 months and are divided into two phases. The loss of revenue of this measure is about 20 000 € €, as the surrounding schools do not use during this time the town hall could and should be avoided on the surrounding buildings. Since the city has received € 500,000 from insurance, but would still have the remaining € 500,000 to be borne. was observed regarding the question of guilt, it spoke of the various city councils. Ultimately, it brought Councillor Peter Seefried (BIW) auf den Punkt, dass die mit dem Auftrag beauftragten handwerklichen Betriebe (Zimmermann, Dachdecker und andere) keine Schuld träfe, da diese nur für Ihre Teilbereiche zuständig waren und nicht die Gesamtkonstruktion unter Aufsicht hatten. Viel mehr hätten die Architekten und diverse Kontrollmechanismen versagt, da etwas konstruiert wurde, was offensichtlich nicht funktionieren konnte. In der Abstimmung wurde das Sanierungskonzept  ohne Gegenstimme angenommen. Über die gleichzeitige Installation einer Photovoltaikanlage wurde positiv mit einer Gegenstimme abgestimmt.                                                                                            
Another point of this City Council meeting was the review of the financial year 2009, which was run by the city council Hurler. There were no complaints and this was accepted unanimously.
Furthermore, it was voted on the "establishment" of the institution of the municipal Wertingen for the water, wastewater. Those present agreed that the foundation would provide the above-mentioned institution for the public more transparency and consistency and it was adopted the decision establishing a municipal utility unopposed.
was the conclusion of SPD - FDP - KUL-group read an application, which included the reintroduction of a citizens' question time before the City Council meetings. Nuber City Council spoke out against it because he considered this to be useful. Dr. Popp mitzutragen City Council, as well as the mayor was more likely to note a negative attitude, and they eventually declared ready for this decision. Subliminal came a selection of contributions to the game the only problem noticed City Council Seefried. He spoke out explicitly against a selection of contributions in the run-off, which would nevertheless correspond to a censorship and set himself against democratic principles would. Only after this review were the applicants hear everything and spoke out against this selection.
It was agreed that requests should be submitted in writing to seek submissions on relevant research and information. The citizen can then recite addressed at the beginning of the civil question time his contribution to the mayor and then obtain information about his concerns. It is interesting in this context that in 2005, before an application has been made to reintroduce the citizens Office (see application below). At that time, however, this was made by Councillor Peter Seefried and the grand coalition of SPD and CSU refused this request. Peter Seefried after the City Council meeting: "I am happy if my colleagues support from the left side of my proposals, though of course with a 5 year delay. However, it also shows the lack of political understanding of my colleagues, that this my requests copy first have to agree with this can. "

Sven Rosenberg