Saturday, May 8, 2010

Thule Rack How To Remove

Shopping Center on the Helios site

Ehrenfeld not tolerate its own shopping center right? This question currently heat up in Cologne's minds. The arguments are over here over there as already known. Supporters of the proposed center on the Helios site expect a significant enhancement of the district. The existing retail on the street Venloer would be strengthened by a shopping center. Critics fear, however, a shopping center could deprive retailers of their livelihood.

are 20,000 square feet to much?

As usual in such debates, the truth lies somewhere in the middle. Also in Ehrenfeld it will arrive on the specific form and not least the size of the project. Numerous examples from other cities show: A shopping center that is not adapted to its surroundings and offers interchangeable product ranges will not work. Either it displaces the surrounding shops, or it dies himself.
other hand, a successful, coordinated approach to bring to the environment, quite useful for the whole district. The range is growing, additional consumers are attracted, benefiting the surrounding retail.

In the case of the Bauwens group center is planned next to the question of size - the investor would realize 20 000 sqm - especially the tenant decide the success or failure.

design and music as themes

would be a possibility that the Helios site settled cultural users, such as the famous Cologne Club Underground "and the Centre for Early Music - a project of the ensemble Concerto Köln - to integrate into the new building. A thematic orientation in design and art direction would the nearby offerings of Balloni Halls and the growing number of smaller design centers on the Körnerstraße complementary voices.

The city of Cologne have a coherent concept of investor demand. Any purchase stamps with the umpteenth branch of a Swedish clothing chain, or would be as anchor tenants among investors so popular drug stores and supermarkets in any event no enrichment of the existing offer. A positive sign may well be considered that has come out district mayor Wirges against the Kölner Stadt Anzeiger already against a pure shopping center.


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