Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Cure For A Bent Back Toe


Hello to all facebook out there - we're trying to initiate a page concerning biomimetics / biomimicry. You're very welcome to join & contribute!

to the Facebook users + interior - we try a community site about bionics to launch, fans and insiders are invited to join them!

Facebook Bionics Sustainovatio

instead. Sustainovation an Open Space is imaginative conference on "Sustainability as a driver of innovation." The series of events celebrating 26 to 27 June 2010 in Vienna and its premiere will take place from then on (in Vienna) each year. was my session proposal "Bionic - A Hitchhiker's Guide to Sustainability". The films to have been published on Slide Share (as my Facebook, Xing and Twitter contacts may have noticed already * g *):

Bionics - A Hitchhiker's Guide to Sustainability

View more presentations from Elke Barbara Bachler . I thank all who were there and especially Manuel Laber for his support!


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