Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Bikini Waxing, Diagram

BIW comment Laugna Bridge (1)

(Wertingen 26/08/2010) As Schwabe wonder you can not quite one's own country team calls for frugality. But the planned bridge in Wertingen I understand all the excitement, not quite. Here it is said that the proposed bridge construction - the official from the experts is considered to be reasonable - be with € 8 million a waste of German tax money. Since I am left wondering where these financial experts when the BRD is a year (!) 9 billion of the largest net contributor to the EU and of decades.
You could use the money more than 1,000 "Wertinger bridges" in Germany and build this year! Apparently it is the view of opponents of the bridge at the Laugna Street probably make more sense if bridges with German taxpayers' money in Greece, Poland, or God knows where are being built. One could extend the list of real tax wasted in this country to help Greece or the giving of new submarines to belligerent nations still arbitrary. No, the economical value Inger need not be ashamed for the bridge. This building does not only improve the infrastructure in the region, but most of 8 million of that flows back into the German national economy. Domestic demand is increased taxes on some of the money flows back to the state and are mainly secured jobs in Germany. Not to mention the city Wertingen saves itself well to the 250,000 € to the roundabout. No, this project really is not nonsensical. If you want to save, but please be somewhere else and there are also fetch much more!

Hubert Mayer


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