Saturday, November 20, 2010

Breaking Employment Contract

Sven Rosenberg: WZ letter to the bridge at the Laugna junction

Sven Rosenberg
(Wertingen 20/11/2010) letter to the editor the WZ-article "the nature conservation movement criticizes the opinion of 23 October 2010: "The comparison of Wertinger bridge project with communities in the" east "- who have amassed huge infrastructure by excessive debt - the federal government nature conservation, should be let go again calculated by the county chairman's head. For through the bridge and the resulting support of Wertinger Stadtsseckel is less impact than the construction of a pure roundabout. can also reporting the destruction of nature give the BN chairman, since it was destroyed by the bypass Bliensbach much more natural and the BN in this matter has behaved suspiciously quiet - probably did not belong to these forest areas for tasks of the BN. As another point, called the individual now suddenly from electioneering reasons as a luxury, comes rather late, since he does is for years, the traffic but has increased due to government-prescribed flexibility of the citizen, the job creation and preservation anyway. The article has only one point real content, namely the assertion that public transport was neglected and in some cases reduced (keyword rail link). "


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