Sunday, September 19, 2010

Pleurodiapgramatic Tenting

bulletin from the Wertinger City Council

(Wertingen 09/19/2010)
Zenetti PDS in the City Council: On Memorial Day 2009, only four councilors present at the ceremony. As Councillor Peter Seefried on the following City Council meeting in the round asked if the City Council for the dead would not be worth more, he was left by his "City Council colleagues," addressed silly. The City Council LEFT Zenetti (yes, the PDS-wall killer party) provoked by asking City Council Seefried, whether he would do this also in uniform. Seefried loose replied: "Yes, preferably with your SED uniform!"
Who needs the FDP? The policy of Wertinger FDP is reminiscent of the old politics of fun Guido Westerwelle. Much talk little content.
There really is hardly a subject on which would be the fun-circle around Bruno Hempel not already expressed. But in almost every statement said the so-called liberals make a dig at Peter Seefried need to. If this antipathy may result in the election due to last mayor. There, Mr Hempel had beaten not only Mr. Lehman, but was also far behind Mr. Seefried. So much democracy may well not even tolerate the "liberal" Mr. Hempel.
As long as the Honorary Citizen Riesebeck is sustainable? Many citizens makes the memory, when it comes to politicians, goes to fast. So many older people refer to the merits of Beck's giant and take him even after convictions in protection. But the fact is that Mr. Beck giant has a long list of misconduct, which preclude rational citizenship almost an honor. Thus, Mr. Riesebeck convicted several times and has the city through its financial policy to the brink of financial collapse led. It is also surprising that a large part of his misconduct occurred at the end of his reign. Scoffers say that before anything was discovered. Perhaps what Mr. Beck giant already 6 or 12 years to be voted out before, it would have remained much the city saves and one would not talking about his honorary citizenship.


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