Wednesday, December 22, 2010

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Seefried application rejected: District Council does not want a university district

( Dillingen 22.12.2010) on the district council meeting on 11/19/2010 turned district council Peter Seefried the motion that the district, a working group for the creation of a technical high school in the district of Dillingen / Danube to initiate. In his speech, noted Peter Seefried that a FH for the North Swabia economic, social and political structure would bring benefits. Examples of the former East Germany or from Deggendorf or New Ulm would show that even small cities have the potential to be a technical college. Only the three rep-district councils voted for the creation of a working group that will deal with a possible establishment of a University and county. "By refusing to show the old parties of SPD and CSU their absolute hostility to the future. The district administration has to ask itself why is he against the University and county, "said Peter Seefried.

Saturday, December 4, 2010

Severe Pain Near Belly Button 32 Weeks Pregnant

Successful REP event in Bächingen

(Bächingen 04.12.2010) On An event on 27/11/2010 Bächinger in the community hall would welcome the District of Republicans close to 200 listeners. To the sounds of the chapel "Bächinger Harmony," lectured the Republican national chairman, Dr. Rolf Schmid, and County Council Hermann Mack. A welcoming address said the BIW-chairman Peter Seefried (city and county council).
Full hall in Bächingen
City-County Council and Peter Seefried

Sunday, November 28, 2010

Outboard Motors Expensive

Laugna Bridge: according to Bächingen: Flyer to real control wastes

(Wertingen 11/28/2010) "eV citizen initiative Wertingen and neighborhoods" The following leaflet has released the final discussion on the Laugna Bridge.

Saturday, November 20, 2010

Breaking Employment Contract

Sven Rosenberg: WZ letter to the bridge at the Laugna junction

Sven Rosenberg
(Wertingen 20/11/2010) letter to the editor the WZ-article "the nature conservation movement criticizes the opinion of 23 October 2010: "The comparison of Wertinger bridge project with communities in the" east "- who have amassed huge infrastructure by excessive debt - the federal government nature conservation, should be let go again calculated by the county chairman's head. For through the bridge and the resulting support of Wertinger Stadtsseckel is less impact than the construction of a pure roundabout. can also reporting the destruction of nature give the BN chairman, since it was destroyed by the bypass Bliensbach much more natural and the BN in this matter has behaved suspiciously quiet - probably did not belong to these forest areas for tasks of the BN. As another point, called the individual now suddenly from electioneering reasons as a luxury, comes rather late, since he does is for years, the traffic but has increased due to government-prescribed flexibility of the citizen, the job creation and preservation anyway. The article has only one point real content, namely the assertion that public transport was neglected and in some cases reduced (keyword rail link). "

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

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Tuesday, November 9, 2010

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REP event!

(Bächingen 09/11/2010) The district chapter of "Republicans" invites you to a big event in Bächingen.

Location: Town Hall in Bächingen

time: 11.27.2010 at 19.30 clock (doors open 18.30 clock)

Redener: Dr. Rolf Schmid and County Council Hermann Mack

Sunday, November 7, 2010

Ingrow Scarring On Stomach

alarming rates to foreign influence in the FRG

(07.11.2010 Augsburg) following number works show a worrying trend in the foreign policy of the FRG.

Monday, October 11, 2010

Muscle Pain Tendonitis Marijuana

pamphlet for the bridge at the junction Laugna

(Wertingen 11.10.2010) The board of the "Citizens Initiative for Wertingen and neighborhoods eV" will report with a leaflet on the proposed bridge at the "Laugna-crossing" to speak.

Sunday, September 19, 2010

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BIW for additional noise at the Laugna junction

(Wertingen 19/09/2010) At the board meeting the Citizens' Initiative for Wertingen and city areas "was discussed the issue of bridge construction at the intersection Laugna again. All members present were in agreement in support of city and county council Peter Seefried, who had spoken out for construction. Seefried was however noted that the issue of noise had to be reworked yet again. So Peter Seefried is of the opinion that the 250,000 € savings should be the bridge to the roundabout pure invests at least partially in an additional noise protection. Such as the closing argument of the opponents bridge was lifted. Astonished, the BIW-City Council was by the sudden Sparfreudigkeit his Council colleagues Klingler and Zenetti. So these have over the entire period of time supported any increase in the city for the citizens. Only Seefried myself have voted consistently against the other citizens of stress. What did he then brought criticism from Zenetti and Klingler.
BIW-Mayer Managing Director interjected that there were also the disproportionate promotion of the music or the loan liability of the city for the Islamic Association not to blame for the two left town councils. "It almost has the impression that this" Left Front Saver always like, if something is being done for the masses. I think that pseudo-saving behavior of men and Klingler Zenetti for not credible. When it came to other civil charges, both have always voted for the increases, "said Peter Seefried. Sven Rosenberg expressed his concern that - should a public petition to reject the bridge - the city Wertingen then stand there is no alternative. Rosenberg says, "We have nothing, and in a few years, the city may then pay out of pocket a traffic improvement. Then begin the great wailing and no one wants to have been. "Hubert Mayer does not see a referendum on the principle of negative, but this represents the sentiments of the grassroots BIW. "It's remarkable that we - rightly - should decide a bridge, but this only has a regional aspect. But when it comes to major decisions, such as may in the removal of the DM or the billions in aid to Greece, the citizens decide nothing. Here he had also never heard from the ominous environment of the bridge opponents. "Then let the men and in those topics, it is about higher billions and not a few million euros," said Mayer of himself. Finally, Sven Rosenberg spoke again. He again criticized the tax extravagance argument of the bridge opponents. It could still not be that the good Wertinger citizens pay their taxes like every year and if something comes to the less developed district of Dillingen in Munich, then this will be sabotaged from within the company. Rosenberg added: "Those who believe that to do with his negative attitude of something good for our region, more wrong. In fact, if this bridge is not built, the money is invested elsewhere, and at worst in the country. The county has another location disadvantage. This creates no new jobs, yet this ensures the future of our children. "

Pleurodiapgramatic Tenting

bulletin from the Wertinger City Council

(Wertingen 09/19/2010)
Zenetti PDS in the City Council: On Memorial Day 2009, only four councilors present at the ceremony. As Councillor Peter Seefried on the following City Council meeting in the round asked if the City Council for the dead would not be worth more, he was left by his "City Council colleagues," addressed silly. The City Council LEFT Zenetti (yes, the PDS-wall killer party) provoked by asking City Council Seefried, whether he would do this also in uniform. Seefried loose replied: "Yes, preferably with your SED uniform!"
Who needs the FDP? The policy of Wertinger FDP is reminiscent of the old politics of fun Guido Westerwelle. Much talk little content.
There really is hardly a subject on which would be the fun-circle around Bruno Hempel not already expressed. But in almost every statement said the so-called liberals make a dig at Peter Seefried need to. If this antipathy may result in the election due to last mayor. There, Mr Hempel had beaten not only Mr. Lehman, but was also far behind Mr. Seefried. So much democracy may well not even tolerate the "liberal" Mr. Hempel.
As long as the Honorary Citizen Riesebeck is sustainable? Many citizens makes the memory, when it comes to politicians, goes to fast. So many older people refer to the merits of Beck's giant and take him even after convictions in protection. But the fact is that Mr. Beck giant has a long list of misconduct, which preclude rational citizenship almost an honor. Thus, Mr. Riesebeck convicted several times and has the city through its financial policy to the brink of financial collapse led. It is also surprising that a large part of his misconduct occurred at the end of his reign. Scoffers say that before anything was discovered. Perhaps what Mr. Beck giant already 6 or 12 years to be voted out before, it would have remained much the city saves and one would not talking about his honorary citizenship.

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

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Tuesday, September 14, 2010

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Cologne's highest building site

It is without question Cologne site with the best views: the Max Cologne on the Deutz Rhine. Reason enough to put on the hard hat and watch the work on the former headquarters of Lufthansa near:

contribute to the lay the mountains of broken concrete pieces, twisted iron reinforcing bars and broken facade elements as a single opaque chaos. The part demolition, building up to the foot of the bleak looking building, which once again the proud headquarters of Deutsche Lufthansa AG formed.

falling from the sky on the dusty Ground.

Not that the former would Lufthansa Tower been by today's standards in the original state of beauty. "Striking" was probably still the nicest description of the monumental and quite disproportionate colossus on the Deutz Rhine. By 2007, the administration had resided here the largest German airline, together with their directors. In the basement there was even an in-house printing, were printed in the ticket.

Those days are long gone. At every corner of the building site workers make a large and small device because parts of the building, the annex and the intervening located parking decks to break apart and. A system can not recognize at first glance, the logistical effort and the immense planning of construction processes can only be guessed at.

The plans of the architects of HPP Hentrich-Petschnigg & Partner provide that the massive structure of the building of the tower is broken. For this, the facade is cut in several places. This also ensures a better exposure in the interior. The stair cores, which rose up in the existing high-rise as a gray-brown concrete columns, the facade will disappear behind extensions. This means that even should the eastern - the Rhine Averted - buildings connection to get a viewing dome. In the fall of 2012, the plan should the tower and the annex, the so-called Rhine floors, be ready. A total of 46,000 square meters of office space created.

not without the archaeologists

On the construction site that day not only workers on the move. "We currently have the archaeologists on site," explains Rolf Müller, branch manager of Hochtief Project Development , and points to an excavated pit, coated up to the March nor the three above-ground parking levels above the other. The parking deck had the tower and the Rhine as a giant concrete floors carpet enclosed and the massive group impression reinforced. Crouching in the pit two archaeologists. In her careful, incisive approach does its work almost like a caricature of the brute force of the giant cranes, excavators and demolition devices that erode around them on the skeleton of the skyscraper. Among other things, the largest Longfrontbagger Germany at the construction site is in operation. In Cologne, a little construction project without the participation of archaeologists - to tackle the Romans, thank. That's when Max Cologne otherwise, especially as stand between the existing buildings and the adjoining Greek Orthodox Church of St. Heribert the remains of the east gate of the Roman fort.

also to Rolf Mueller and his colleagues at the Max Cologne HTP is not a project like any other. The location right on the Deutz bridge vis-à-vis the old town in the truest sense of the word is not reproducible and the existing building is a real challenge. The existing buildings are immense depths of 25 to 30 meters by today's standards. Attractive offices can not accommodate in the dark depths of space. "We therefore take this sort dark areas, where the technology separately on each floor of a decentralized," says Mueller, adding: "As a result, we gain in return, the former technical floors than land. "

in the walls and ceiling of the existing buildings can be found just about any material that is in the construction of the building in 1969 and the Rhine floors in 1978 but very modern, but now often more suitable for special disposal. "We still can reuse much of the concrete and steel elements of buildings," said Mueller. This recycling has also contributed to the Max, the Cologne- DGNB has received preliminary Gold, like the fact that there is no additional land use. "We can even use the existing well system and equipped with modern technology," he says. Thus, the property will require no external power other than energy.

is the elevator finally from the bottom up on the top floor of the Rhine floors. Its way to the balcony you have to pave over a sea of broken concrete slabs. A shaky affair, as the plates cover the entire floor. But for climbing you will be rewarded. Once outside which offers fantastic panoramic view, in the south to far behind the Rheinauhafen. No question, this outlook to be the envy of many Cologne later tenant.

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

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A real tax waste

(Wertingen 26/08/2010) What a surprise that Germany is again on top.

Cervix Low Hard And Open Means?

BIW comment Laugna Bridge (2)

(Wertingen 26/08/2010) Bruno Hempel voted out of conviction against the project! This is not true because I read the high-minded liberals of the press releases located very closely. There were two voting points, once the approval of the Planning 13:7 and second, the fastest execution and implementation - namely, with the most important agreement with the highways department the result of 14:6, that is, for many viewers of this City Council meeting, Mr. Hempel changed during the vote, the pages! Is there any doubt that Mr Hempel did not understand the facts?
A memorable process! Now, Mr. Hempel writes: 7.26 million tax money was a slap to democracy and a mockery of every taxpayer. Mr Hempel, You need to be ashamed of your hypocrisy and your actions? An independent transportation planner who has to do with Germany's traffic flows, no self-appointed Wertinger traffic experts (such as O. Marchner, F. Deller, F. Päffgen, G. Hartwig, W. Zenetti B. Hurler, L. Klingler, etc.), it has chosen with good reason, the best solution for Wertingen, the best solution costs the Free State, unfortunately, a lot of money. My suggestion, that critics should cooperate in order to save costs, as before in a national community. Praise those 13 city councils, who share the vision of BIW Wertingen view and a large part of the CSU, Independent Voters and seek a reasonable solution to the problem. They also have a right to work for the city and the district Dillingen. Moreover, many of the above Wertinger traffic experts recipients of tax money and will be funded by them. This violent, unjustified accusations are no longer accepted that democracy can be abused not only by eternal yesterday. There are also my tax money on that was spoken here.

Bikini Waxing, Diagram

BIW comment Laugna Bridge (1)

(Wertingen 26/08/2010) As Schwabe wonder you can not quite one's own country team calls for frugality. But the planned bridge in Wertingen I understand all the excitement, not quite. Here it is said that the proposed bridge construction - the official from the experts is considered to be reasonable - be with € 8 million a waste of German tax money. Since I am left wondering where these financial experts when the BRD is a year (!) 9 billion of the largest net contributor to the EU and of decades.
You could use the money more than 1,000 "Wertinger bridges" in Germany and build this year! Apparently it is the view of opponents of the bridge at the Laugna Street probably make more sense if bridges with German taxpayers' money in Greece, Poland, or God knows where are being built. One could extend the list of real tax wasted in this country to help Greece or the giving of new submarines to belligerent nations still arbitrary. No, the economical value Inger need not be ashamed for the bridge. This building does not only improve the infrastructure in the region, but most of 8 million of that flows back into the German national economy. Domestic demand is increased taxes on some of the money flows back to the state and are mainly secured jobs in Germany. Not to mention the city Wertingen saves itself well to the 250,000 € to the roundabout. No, this project really is not nonsensical. If you want to save, but please be somewhere else and there are also fetch much more!

Hubert Mayer

Monday, August 23, 2010

Toddler Hit Head And Vomited

18-year-old raped - Press conceal the perpetrators of origin

(Gersthofen 08/24/2010) came in Gersthofen of Augsburg district there last weekend to a group rape by Kulturbereicherern mainly of Turkish origin. An 18-year-old had met at a local nightclub a man with whom she went in the evening before the entrance. Under a pretext, he lured the young woman in an unlighted area of the parking area before setting up and forced them by force to carry out various sexual acts on him. But that's not enough: "In the course were more a friend of the sexual offender. The victim was then raped by several men in succession and in a massive way, "it says in the police report. Thereafter, the perpetrators were the victim lying in the parking lot. After the investigation was immediately launched, unsuccessfully, were determined by the police on Wednesday six in Erlangen Kulturbereicherern residents, some of which took off during the interrogations of confessions. These were three Turkish nationals (two times 19 and 23 years old), a passport Germans of Turkish origin (21), an Afghan-born citizens Import (21) and a Kulturbereicherern with Eastern European roots (19).
Three of them were already known to police - and yet in the country - and four of the suspects were arrested, two remained free. This would be so sad, the incident is not really newsworthy, given the abundance of such events would not again Once the press, this time the Augsburger Allgemeine and the press agency Reuters, the six immigrants make a "gang of Erlangen" and "six men". This may not be lying, but maybe not the whole truth and helps to get unsuspecting reader the impression that this crime had nothing to do with the blessings of mass immigration. How, then uninformed contemporaries and, above all, awareness contemporaries and seeks to safeguard against this kind multicultural excesses, we have considered not in the editorial offices well - or, worse, just yet.

This report is from

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Bathing Suit Goes Messy

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Monday, August 2, 2010

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Saturday, July 24, 2010

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Motivation, Innovation, TRIZ and Bio-Cybernetics

I'd like to recommend two videos concerning motivation - the first one takes approx. 20mins, the second one 10mins. I'm going to add some TRIZ plus Bio-Cybernetics thinking afterwards - please feel free to comment on my train of thought :)

Okay, TED Talk first (German subtitles available):

And here - way faster, shorter & with nice drawings - the YouTube version:

Let's see - what does Dan Pink tell & show us here? He states, referring to scientific cognitions, that monetary rewards work perfectly for manual tasks. However, when it's about creative and cognitive tasks, monetary rewards don't foster, but even counteract working performance.

Kinda interesting isn't it? Now let's think about creative problems solving. I'd say that's a cognitive task. What does it mean in terms of innovation, when money does not foster creative problems solving?

As stated, it is necessary to fulfil the belowest parts of Maslow's Pyramid (aka securing comfortable living conditions). That done, giving people the opportunity to act self-determined is the key. Therefore two things seem most important - the ability to trust and to let self-organization happen.

Woah, easier said than done! Think about what we've got right now - rules & parameters for even the tiniest things, we love to control, measure and thrive on facts & figures.

Applying TRIZ
Thinking in terms of TRIZ (Theory of Inventive Problems Solving) that's quite a nice contradiction we've got here. So let's see what is recommended to solve this contradiction without trade-offs - using the online TRIZ Matrix .

I'd say the technical parameter 21, Power, is improving, and technical parameter 37, Difficulty of Detection, gets worse. Which leaves us with three principles: 19, Periodic Action, 35, Parameter Changes and 16, Partial or Excessive Actions.

Well, well, well. I'd say the mentioned example - letting employees busy themselves for 12 hours with whatever they want to do - is a periodic action. There are periods of freedom as well as of guidelines. It might be also seen as an example for principle 16 - excessive freedom within a certain time span.

When it comes to principle 35, I observe the following ... a parameter change often means a jump from one s-curve to another one. IMHO it is intimately connected with TRIZ Trends, which act like a technological crystal ball - where am I right now and what will come next, thinking of surface geometry, degrees of freedom, etc.

Additionally, when talking about the ability to jump, we are talking about the ability to use certain resources (financial and/or know-how). That's true for technology, but also for processes and the given state of mind.

So ... what I'd say is that we need to change the parameters aka values we depend upon :)

It's a jump from making money to make meaning (referring to Guy Kawasaki and his "The Art of the Start" here). For Spiral Dynamics® fans - it's fostering the awakening of a new vMEME® or even more so, the jump from the first onto the second tier.

Changing Values
People thrive on becoming better at what they like to do - and I'd say that's true for grown-ups as well as for kids. I'm focusing on companies here, but let me tell you - this is food for thought for our educational system, too. I won't go into that right now, but I sincerely believe it to be true. We have to trust in the willingness to learn, not destroy it by standardizing, norming and grading.

As an innovative company, you're going need people who love to create new solutions and are not afraid of change. As the fear of change is intimately connected with Maslow, you have to pay them enough to make their living. Give them something to chew & perform, as well as the freedom to do it completely their way, at least from time to time (periodic action).   

Jumping onto another level - from employees to companies - companies in permanent fear of bankruptcy won't innovate. Not really. In a state of permanent danger it's a matter of self-defense, not of added value.

Oh yes, there is a thing like being forced to act due to psychological strain. But, let's face it, the solutions are  merely quick & dirty. In case of distress, our brain uses existing patterns in order to react fast (which is a good thing to do). However, existing patterns are common, not novel or exceptional.

So - where does this danger come from?

I'd say it's this damned policy of growth. More turnover, more employees, more products, more services ...  and my, how often are we entrepreneurs told to grow. By public authorities, politicians, you name it. It's so hip to do ... and we are told that we won't survive any other way. 

People who know me personally do also know - that's when my biomimetical mind begins to suffer. I'm a big admirer of Frederic Vester. He formulated eight biocybernetic principles, one of them being: "System function has to be independent from quantitative growth". And I second that with all my heart, knowledge and life experience.

Thank God some did recognize this perma-growth as a vicious circle. Trends like sustainability, adaptive stability and de-growth are there and getting stronger.

Rounding it up
Let's focus on the term "adaptive stability" - I'd say that's a good road to follow, especially when it comes to the motivation to innovate. It means stability AND flexibility (which is again a nice contradiction - you might want to try that one on your own).

Stability ensures that the basic needs are granted (thinking of Maslow), and flexibility allows to change and adapt, using innovation to do so. The ability to change has to be there, as we are affected by ever-changing (economical, political, personal, ...) life conditions.

Yes, an endless scalability of "adaptive stability" might not be there, but as we eliminate perma-growth, it doesn't have to. And as we don't have to grow all the time, pressure's off.

There's room for creativity which adds value because it wants to. Self-organized:)
I kinda like that!

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Cure For A Bent Back Toe


Hello to all facebook out there - we're trying to initiate a page concerning biomimetics / biomimicry. You're very welcome to join & contribute!

to the Facebook users + interior - we try a community site about bionics to launch, fans and insiders are invited to join them!

Facebook Bionics Sustainovatio

instead. Sustainovation an Open Space is imaginative conference on "Sustainability as a driver of innovation." The series of events celebrating 26 to 27 June 2010 in Vienna and its premiere will take place from then on (in Vienna) each year. was my session proposal "Bionic - A Hitchhiker's Guide to Sustainability". The films to have been published on Slide Share (as my Facebook, Xing and Twitter contacts may have noticed already * g *):

Bionics - A Hitchhiker's Guide to Sustainability

View more presentations from Elke Barbara Bachler . I thank all who were there and especially Manuel Laber for his support!

Saturday, July 10, 2010

Names Tanning Business

Laugna-junction only with immediate bridge!

(Wertingen 06/28/2010) met at summer temperatures of BIW Board to City and County Council Peter Seefried to numerous local political issues. First, however, was presented by Managing Director Hubert Mayer, the new blog page of BIW, which is available at It was then reaffirmed the board resolution that under the current circumstances, there will be no cooperation with the "Wertinger newspaper more. For this purpose, 5,000 leaflets in the area of the joint management Wertingen distributed to the reasons this make the people you can. Was then discussed a possible opening of a discotheque in Wertinger City area, where it turned out relatively quickly a positive attitude. Swen Black saw in a dance hall is a necessary catering facility, which will certainly ensure a sustained increase in attractiveness of the entire Zusamtals. From an economic perspective, such a body is to be welcomed.
Hubert Mayer was however noted that there is a risk to the operator at an absolutely personal integrity must be so that any possible negative impact of such a location can be excluded. The main theme of the evening was certainly the transformation of Laugna junction. Here, said city and county council Peter Seefried clear wish for an immediate construction of a bridge in this area. "It is in the current financial situation of the city Wertingen almost absurd, if one were to go on a roundabout. By building a bridge to save the city Wertingen almost 250,000 € and thus has the same convenient concept. There will be no backlog in contrast to the roundabout and the accident risk is much lower, "said Seefried. As absurd Seefried called the arguments of the bridge opponents that such a building cheaper only because of the enormous state subsidies for the city would be a roundabout. Peter Seefried says, "This is simply a naive statement. It is true that a bridge is more expensive overall for the taxpayers, but I do wonder, where are these noble doubters when billions of euros to Greece hike. In Wertingen should therefore be built with German tax money no bridge, but in Greece, probably so. "Swen According to Black, the bridge now constructed or otherwise not more, because in later years there will be hardly any such grants. On recent developments in Buttenwiesen where the incumbent mayor is suspected of a bogus address, a district council mandate secured to, have said Bernd Zuna as follows: "The current election campaign, the BIW touched only in passing. However, it can not be accepted that are strong suspicions that Mr Beutmüller sits wrong in the Dillinger district council and no one does anything. Therefore, the BIW for an appropriate examination, as is Peter Seefried County Council has proposed. "Finally, the present BIW members of soldiers killed in Afghanistan remembered. "For BIW, it is of course the memory of fallen German soldiers holding up, no matter what war they died," said Seefried.

Saturday, July 3, 2010


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Friday, July 2, 2010

Pet Ticks And Fleas Affect Humans ?

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Saturday, June 26, 2010

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Saturday, June 19, 2010

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know comments on the Football World Cup in South Africa

(Wertingen 15.06.2010) On the internet pages of the magazines "secession" and "Blue Daffodil" contains articles critical of the current World Cup. Read and easy to learn more! 1726-why-not-the-football-patriotism-is-true not-interest-thought-a-football fans

Triumph Breast Size Country

"Wertinger newspaper - NO THANKS!

(Wertingen 01.06.2010) The following leaflet was distributed by friends and members of the Citizens' Initiative for Wertingen and districts "throughout the Government Wertingen.