Monday, July 28, 2008

5 Minutes Activities About Color

this is it!

sooo the last day in Asia is almost over and tomorrow we are going by 6 clock in the morning going to the airport - first to helsinki and if everything runs according to plan, we invite Helsinki Vienna coming in at 18:10.
because we are actually quite agree that it's pretty bad, first, that we already fly home, but we are also looking forward to the other at home - well as make kamma probably nothing, but life goes on and the summer is too long:)

today we have spent the day over on an Island in the vicinity of Hong Kong - Lamma Iceland. page first with the ferry on one side and then walk to the other via NEN. domestic activities and very gmuetlich the island - was really a nice conclusion. there are no cars (except so a few little buggy) and somehow you get the feeling there are all satisfied and happy. the 2 faehrenstationen are fishing villages in small and in between weigh says about 1 1 / 2 hour studded walk with 2 beaches (have looked at only one), hills, a little forest and Riess spin - which are directly hung o'er gone - thank God in about 1 , 95 height - Luke is the procedure and has the garnet seen - I was almost under it and then scho hats Grissen me suddenly. berni inside the waer picks --- uaeehhhh.
2nd village we have then enjoyed eating an extensive seafood, which we were allowed to choose the animals ausm the pool we wanted to eat - very tasty, very expensive allderings ^ ^
then by ferry to Kowloon zrueck and Luke has been checked by nem inthe ne copy rolex:)

krems 29.-31. boaaa u make me sick! i will very happy to go, but i know if i really net the pack - and we only just come at 18:10 to - you want to hers not move a day or so? When does her away? is 31 because people have to work?

nagut see you tomorrow:)

Sunday, July 27, 2008

Italian Quando Una Donna

hong kong

the most important is time that Have we survived:)
jez we sit in macao grad in nem internet cafe and kill time until our ferry at 3:00 am stores - were the day over here - we really wanted the city are seeing, but when we arrived skillful hats arg to splatter and therefore simma the casino. At 20:00 simma but then get out and have an hour long visit macao - really really cute town (besides the casinos) - Portuguese and very cool ne pedestrian with a few sightseeing spots.

have Friday night we destroy even one of the two party spots (white grad net had was called and have no time more nachzuschaun it - we have to go in 5 min schowieda) tried - it was street so ne which was crowded really crass to left and left nothing but small local - bit like the 1st - Are there for an hour or so in nem looked more oriental shisha, and squatted with local beer and then some - around the road course and action in the side streets - I personally found there However, net so special - somehow schicki micki - as the first just about.
mim then taxi to the 2 location - which has proven to be quite peculiar. there was also built around a single road around, only the local warning somewhat different nature. most were namely puffs - interestingly, are mostly outside the puffmuetter stood (the crumpled 60-year) - have you then tried quite aggressive reinzuholen. However gabs net only puffs but also between ordinary local - took the industry mix very intresting - tried in any case hamma 2 local and ausm as we second out are two types we have addressed the in search of a good party was around - just like us - have joined forces again and smooth locally from the next normal. the warning 2 is a super couple - the one a little more kongnese young hong and the other big, fat, old, and black Americans:) adam and kevin by name and very funny guys - really weird on it. in which we are locally in me slipped we also have 2 German businessmaenner taken - which can be even in the Internet-gaze: (video gaze) - the type ausm video and a supporting role - fausto - is only about 2 seconds before - warn there in the local and have explained to us how to live the so-masters. was very weird to hear but still intresting. thereafter, the kevin met one joyous, who was very drunk but said he was shaolin moensch what the kevin confirmed and he said he can to bring in Luke 0:00, nothing to ground when he attacks him - in the end, both are Gleg:) with the types we are then left in ner disco - more details on request gibts then:)
aja and the small hongkongnese us to ne Saturday invited party - where we are smooth times gone well, but we got there until half past 12 - ok im running out of time - more details are mornings.
good night and nice greetings from the Las Vegas of the East!

* partially edit 2:

we are late yesterday but the ferry still come home, the cool as 24 / 7 from Macau to Hong Kong moves (in the night, unfortunately, net quite frequentiv, as we discovered yesterday).
I'm still waiting, is Saturday: hats started twice with an anti-hangover breakfast mcdonalds and because of our major motivation, we have thrown us into the first internet cafe and gambled a bit. then we went to the museum of art. The museum is divided into several sticks, exhibition rooms, each with 1-3 per stock. were some very intresting things and a few less intressant - the gift shop was very cool:) Buttons
further into the museum of sience, which was built a little more interactive with many and turning things. was just a bit for kid's, but still very nice set up and the installations have been fun.
after our museum tour we were eating Chinese - and we having wiedermal exaggerated what we recently time every now and then happened. completely gorged simma dannn back to the hotel and then threw just now 23:00. mim then taxi to the home party to which we were invited by adam. area in hong kong Gibts ne - up the hill - where all the snobs live and pimps and the taxi is as cool down in the exact direction (we knew had net wos is just the address). had arrived schonmal the garage a good sign with Jaguar, Porsche, Maserati and co. The apartment has then confirmed the impression also - very stylish with things from Africa, Europe and Asian traditional mold. Interestingly, two minutes after we got pretty much all people have gone down to adam and kevin (who lived at adam) - was, however, not bad, because that alone was too funny. about an hour later we forged over the plan to drive into the city - adam could but unfortunately never with, but Kevin Luke and I are still down. was cab ride bit confusing because of kevin in Mandarin with the taxi drivers could only Cantonese was spoken and we have a are detour suddenly landed on the location numero 2 from yesterday - I was not white planned obs or random in any case, we warn jez there and there are still a lot of hours spent. -
three things I need to write yet, so I do not forget, have to do with the evening will probably not check:
the spit
give me money

garnet knew that the Further action suit these days took place - such as wars, how long was it?
arrival should be immernonch 18:10 change when nothing - buaaaeee announced tomorrow all day flight, which is Schirch.
statements as of today we visit another island here in hong kong - it stand three to choose from and we're not quite sure what net. The weather looks now take them out so beautifully - yesterday heavy rain in the afternoon and today somehow bleak - I think the good weather is coming to austria:)
cu soon

Friday, July 25, 2008

Lung Cancer Smf Forum

weekend we are batman!

thanks to the wonderful tip from our external advisors christoph Wimmer, we can see us last 3 weeks before the mob the film batman the dark knight viewed ;)
although unfortunately not in imax, because it's sold out, but in another big cinema. pretty awesome film! ^ ^

nice that the video resonates with such good:) have hardly recorded videos, so are also net more online, but the skyline was so great that mans could barely hold it with photos.

this day we are up jez addressed gmuetlich very long sleep and eat at a local precious that you almost can haunt our call here - the harmony to which we, as locally to the first have eaten in Hong Kong - were jez scho 3x there. then we were in ner souvenierstrasse find tons of mao's vehicle and chains and buddha, and anything else existed. everything really very cheap and we have struck quite nice:) jez we are back at the hotel And tomorrow we woolen Indulge us a massage and then it off to the night life.

I find cool that starts the hard man in the alley it - who does jez exactly? or how and what takes place just there? gimme some details

and weemar - whats so funny about "and the shirts are really fine with initials and such."? :)

details for some poker harry:

so I'm in with $ 2,000 (HK $ 1 = 11.4 €) I look at the first 3 hours or so right down to 1300 $ - $ 500 and then bought later back down to about 1400 $. There were net really hands - much folded, and some with few moves up but wait rather down. Once as I KQo of cutoff and raise to 70 $ ($ 10/20 blinds), fold button, small blind raises to $ 200, all fold to me I calle. Flop (2 handed jez) A72 (72, I'm not completely sure - two blanks in any case) rainbow. SB checks, I contibet $ 200, sa call. turn comes ne T - check sb, I check, river another blank, SB checks and then I thinks about is whether I still nen aufn shot try pot because he has somehow worked pretty weak, I did but then decided to check behind - he AA shows with ... that was pretty significant people for the whole game from there. pretty loose passive general - hardly a pot at least 3 of the non-handed on the flop was unraised pots often simply all (9 handed table). I've somehow partially done bissl difficult to adapt myself there, there is scho completely different style than the internet, also were hardly great hands - 1x QQ, I'm against 3 other people then turn on the pair won over. Then came
AQs in 3rd pos for the blinds - in front of me I think a limp - I raise to $ 80 for me 2 call button and raises to $ 200. The button type was pretty aggro and I have then decided with my remaining $ 1300 or so to push all in. folded around the 2 caller ham for me button, calls. Since I was little amiss, the flop came ace thank God and something else - I had to show zuertst and he has his hand mucked unfortunately - has done little pissed - but net believe that he had kings - queens but maybe also more likely to net , AK obviously also have been net, so I probably always in front or 50/50.
Then about 15 hands later I get in the sb and AJs in the pot ham already about 5 people limped. I raise to $ 100 and get 3 calls. not exactly ideal, but what ma's warning to halt PF really loose - I have, however, that net too much credit for their calls given. In any case, the flop comes K63 (K6 in my suite). I bette $ 400 get a call. Turn 8 - flush net arrived, I embed the $ 700 callt type again. I think river ne 9 or so, still flush net there and I push all in with about $ 1000. The type considered and then the skin away. NEN king was probably weak. jo that's actually a couple hands, I am then expected.
was playing very intresting and I consumption before live game experience - in the beginning i was bissl nervous, but with time I am actually felt pretty comfortable.
types next to me had NEN nice from shanghai, is hergfolgen extra to play poker with which I am most of the time got quite a good time.
pictures of the casino inside hamma net, because I believe was banned - at least at the MGM - ham outside of a few.
pacific poker i have net Most scholars consider, because I had the impression that the ne crappy variant of poker is. It does somehow always only one at the table against the dealer and the other beds can whoever wins the hand - the bet you get some odds back then - ka as well - in any case looks as if the net really is a winning game but would be more gambling, why did I MI garnet closer busy. From the tables, but there are tons, just like any machines roulette, quite a lot but as much as you think would garnetmal and then the picture is still peppered play with any other comic.

Thursday, July 24, 2008

Any Drink Taken Regularly

hong kong and macao

hello hello dear readers!

in the last days we are all beautiful in Hong Kong, Kowloon and Macao been around.
thank you for the other tips to go away - unfortunately this is rather limited to weekend nightlife, but I think that's enough before us, after we get tired in the evening usually right home. yumla the net, we have found yet, but we were very near the city and the restaurant is nice ne and bar area - certainly something for the weekend. the other 2 areas have been recommended to us by an insider, should really be something. there it should leave then even more - we shall see.

on monday we took off to the internet cafe or visit the space museum and the avenue of stars, and then looked beaten simma little changed by kowloon. in the shopping area eingwickelt us an indian and us three straight times each made to measure shirts turned on, we've collected today. we must say that it is a very good price and the shirts are also really elegant with initials and such.

Tuesday we have then hong kong Iceland on the eastern side (our hotel is on the western border) is rolled up - are up victoria park and then come to us has eaten a shopping center. were safe 2 hours in there and have one or the other got rid €. gmuetlicherweise gabs also a massage chair-store, where we have smooth even the hippest tried massage chair. I did this so trying a thing for the head - but I was rather uncomfortable to Weiler zugedrueckt fairly solid. Next we traveled by subway direction peak tram. The Peak Tram is the ne own tram tourists, mainly, to a lookout point called the peak brings. the thing was 7 minutes long fairly steep climb to the top was one then. there gabs ne extra viewing deck with its upper horny view of Hong Kong & Kowloon Iceland (pics then the bottom).
on (Is the second Special Administrative Region of China into allowing gambling - otherwise prohibited everywhere in china) start of the day we visited informed gschwind as the ferries to Macau's how it works and that should the activity represent the next day - a trip to macao.

done in the said (get up to say after the clock at 11) morning with the ferry umme - quite simply beautiful - a ticket about 10 € and NEN heaps more stamps in their passport. Once There Were there 2 options come into the city from the pier. either by means of annoying the Asians from all directions and have come up with yelling "city tour" or the free shuttle services to the casinos. second was there then and we were a few minutes already in front of MGM Grand Macau. The coast there has been much the las vegas give rise flair and the MGM also has a casino hall Riessen not disappointed. The disappointment came when I asked already but poker - namely because the only way gabs ne disabled all variants of poker - pacific poker - because somehow played against the dealer - very funny, but apparently incredibly popular here - 100000 and the tables are at least not at the MGM holdem or something normal. Next we went to eat again - Korean - a bit of a flashback to Seoul and then to the next casino, where I once when I asked after Holden was disappointed was - again only 1000 tables with pacific poker, however, to note that in the grand lousiana what abgehn. Since then we have looked closely and smoothly and we've had in the 2nd stock 2 tables with lovely action. After a few minutes I was already on a plan (10/20 limits hong kong dollar no limit - equivalent to about 1 / 2 U.S. $). Then I sit there a few hours left and with his little, nice, plus got out - we went to Luke unfortunately her for a full house vs bitter poker net so good - but has amused at the little nice deep maedchenshow a pitch on;).

today the star ferry tour through the Victoria Harbour was (the thing between Kowloon and Hong Kong Iceland) it. which lasted 1 hour and was actually quite nice - great views and a good overall view of the area. then we wanted to hong kong art museum to go, but unfortunately that has to Thursdays. After the museum mitm gworden is nothing, we have to put up our whole personal indian tailor our shirts to pick up. on the way we ham a few more Indians raised whether we want to have their fake rolex shirts or more - really only interesting as Indians make it. Shirts picked up (still away on cd in a store made stop) and we wanted the next museum - View - the muesum of sience. also closed on Thursdays;. Instead, we then looked at the Kowloon Park - which is quite large and handsome - with swimming pool, aviary and riessencountdown for the Olympics. Jez are we waiting for to 20 clock to tell us the laser show on the avenue of stars to see.

on the weekend then do wirs angehn little quieter, so we have power for the evenings, and otherwise is yet another planned trip to Macau to us the cultural things of the city to look at and not just the casinos.

what else to say that the weather is super fine really - really nice sunny days with temperature while hot, but the breezes from the sea always come really quite pleasant. but I'm a little caught cold - those damned are air conditioning everywhere start madly turned - i know net what people here ham or how the bear it permanently - at least somewhat disturbing and always great when you come out of a building and beautiful again warm.

the best photos here: peak

and here's a video of the: (edit - the positioning of text & image HTML editor is disabled, even with - I get net down - below is a video containing)

nice weekend I wish - we will be back soon! NEN also have extra space in case for beautiful weather, released;)
cu lukas & andi

Sunday, July 20, 2008

Concrete Story Floor Thickness

one hell of a city

hey there!

to start the same: thanks chris for the tips, but we are in hong kong:) the photo wuhan post would be chronologically actually better after the first hong kong post, but ka as I move (there is already a hong kong post, but not comment on it - the overlooked naja whatever?)
it feels good again to be alien no - the people watching us never puzzled here:) there really many tourists and too believable western face domestic and mim English it works pretty well here, too. the food orders happerts jez just that we can really estimate how much the net is and whether or not garnish it - we have taken yesterday in the evening bit next to it - have two dining ordered the warning without garnish and a little bit (after that the KFC on 2 burger, then greicht hats (;.. zrueckkommen) as thick buddha WERMA scho net - we Hatscher the kallorien eh good down today

we have time to the other side of the harbor looked -. to Kowloon are not here long, but have been a super cool discovered lookout point where sea and skyline admire from hong kong city can and I can say - kabummmm that looks even mistaken cool off (photos then the bottom)
same spot next to where we have also discovered the first internet cafe and smooth, a look seen
further, it will get good museum in one go -. either museum of art, museum of space and cultural center - gaze times on which we agree - Kowloon then either ne boat tour through the harbor or explore a bit.
have in our hotel room or a corner of glass through which we discovered more pretty awesome to see kowloon skyline - especially at night pretty awesome.
which is still worth mentioning, which are notes here - I'll tell you've never seen such cool money.
Luke has got the money exchanged at the airport, sometimes seem like totally cool with lions on it and we thought "boaa. I then got lifted in the town money, I seem to NEM bird got on it and now we have turtles and fish - seems to give more money collections - We'll see what we still so get your hands. aja and the $ 10 looks translucent like play money - warn us first net also sure that we have been cheated net, but have already got some of them:) So here

jez times photos (is our first view from the room from the others of the spot here):

Mistral Split System Faults Mss25

wuhan photos

soo, here jez the subsequently wuhan photos:
are a bit lined up wrong, but with a little imagination and the previous posts should we understand hopefully what it is:)

Permutaion Problem With The Combination Lock

we are in hong kong! Hong kong

soo at around 14:00 local time, today we are in hong kong and arrived the airport has already made a very good impression on us. very big and clean - the staff friendly and the airport train is super written and accessible - you kan mim gepaeckswagerl up to the front door of the train.
the train is about 20 minutes then drove up the hill we are hong kong station, which is pretty much in the center of hong kong Iceland (the whole is divided into a few districts - want to know exactly wers can Wikipedian yes). continue by taxi, not 3 minutes we are already arrived in Iceland pacific hotel, which is very fine and exclusive. check everything works great - we were born, even the suitcase to your room. the room is the 15th stock and one side is made of glass - you can talk down gaze and it is truly staggering. The room itself could still be a few square meters bigger, but hey - you can not have it all.
showered briefly and found her way in the hotel room we have to leave even a first exploration tour. we just went to the center of hong kong Iceland - past lots of skyscrapers which are mainly shops and restaurants. It seems everything here is really super clean and the smell really nice neutral - especially when compared with Wuhan mans:)
the national hobby, we have already found out - namely sitting around. hundreds of people to just sit here in the park or anywhere else around and spieln cards or something - maybe isses a sit-in or something - look at each case right from funny.
otherwise we have to eat up to one, have not done much - are also a bit tired, because at present at an early age (by our standards - 8 clock alarm clock) went off.
we are just turned back to the hotel and just sit in the 27th floor of the building - the business area - where stand the PC's and wuhu I can load photos onto the computer:)
afterwards we woolen then the house going to try pool and trainers, perhaps a little in the fitness center;)
spices, we have not bought - but it is not a bad idea actually, although I still do not specifically fall into eye Waerden - tee have I did. Apropo: we already warn in ner street with really cool souvenirs - mao much convincing - we are determined again roll in the pocket a souvenir or two more.
soo here are some photos this already from hong kong are:

Saturday, July 19, 2008

I Want A Formate Of Trust And How To Regisrted It

we come! THIS IS

the wuhanwoche is already over and tomorrow at 11: 15 next to Hong Kong. The last days we have spent a bit of cultural tours. we were in the red chamber - the place where the revolution has started so that the nationalists in 1911 and ever prevailing monarchy overthrown - So Have we understood, at least. Unfortunately there no English info, what was disappointing bissl. then we went to a thaoistischen temple, which was quite fine with lots of great statues, and finally good fragrant thanks to the fragrant candles that burn because everywhere. the way the thaoistische actually in use - -
on NP Buddhist temple, we also had people say there have prayed there. In the temple were massive Buddha statues in all variations - and even statues of other types - unfortunately, very little English info, so one could only marvel and watch. There Were there also two pond turtles indoors with as much - seems somehow to be holy things are, again and again incorporated into statues of turtles and souvenirs are also available. Temple From the get out in the next restaurant that has been looking good and once again surprise ordered menu - guess which animal we will then set before: right - turtle:)
was a bit weird, but really as far as quite tasty - just very difficult to eat, because things have so many bones. The local itself was like many others, quite large with many staff and at us again about 15 waiters - we warn customers at the time also the only ones. bit weird's it. the girls are observed far from the ham and giggling now and then:) what are the must have thought ^ ^ but unfortunately I'll take in hong kong we are then no longer a superstar - too bad.

last night we ham the farewell then duly celebrated - starting in the restaurant (surprise menu included). Incidentally, it is much more difficult in China Travel to order than you might think - this is always the biggest difficulty to jez. if you want rice and the waiter will tell you at once, that what you have ordered is unfortunately, is the confusion and it takes some time to understand both sides what they want. After eating, we would then have verdauungsschnapserl and drew the point it (the way, is very useful here). Unfortunately, we got shot glasses instead of 2 equal ne whole bottle, which we have drunk of course, as good guests. Then we met with the New Zealander who with us in a club nicen is gone. knew him like a few people and so it was not long before we in the "vip - westerners face area" were. I do not know who has paid the alk there - we caution in any case not - and he is never considered - think the rest could go well. was then we went right back to bed once and for 2 we have then left the hotel to see a built around a kind of go to the Discovery Park -

accordingly relaxed and happy then we have today for the first time enjoyed the hotelfruehstueck. quite nice actually, but that was so motivationometer approximately 2 of 10 Now we want to tag at Ner cozy or roc starcraft partie 1.0 and later can still finish off a short shopping tour before tomorrow further direction Hong Kong's.

are pictures unfortunately do not - sorry - to be submitted at:)

nice gruesse
andi & lukas

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Chances Of Catching Scabies From Bedding



as already mentioned in previous comments, we have to jez can identify only one internet cafe and the is little away from our hotel and the whole even in the rather not downtown, that is even more fucked up area:)
fucked up is a good keyword - the impression has changed is nothing necessarily - most of the works city run down with many buildings in construction or in torn land. Nevertheless, there are some lovely spots in between - for example, a shopping area with tip top shopping centers and its kind Mariahilferstrasse.
has kulturmaessig the offer to the city a lot - we were yesterday at the Yellow Crane Tower - an approximately 7 level chinese tower as he was imagining:) was quite a nice view from above, including the Yangtze, which is really neat wide. around the tower a park with several pavilions, a giant scorching locke and flexi riessenstatue by nem China's warlords (or something) - which looks at each case very hoat.
right next to the tower is the red chamber - a memorial to the revolution in China in 1911, which is started there. Unfortunately, they have got there just as we locked, so we have to hinschaun there again.
The first 2 days we have explored the area and the impressive of us as aliens has quite confirmed. The counter is so far in western faces 5 and 4 of them were in our hotel. The 5th was a New Zealander who has written us a few spots at which we gaze solln. Unfortunately, he also said (and this also coincides with some of our most impressive) that partymaessig net is so much going on - or that it is holding no clubs or anything else. Moreover, it seems, unfortunately, here in the more southern china soo not usual to eat his dog: / but it has meant there are already restaurants that - just knew exactly where net, but we have his number, and hopefully I'll come to my dog - for all this does not know - yes I have to eat before a dog and will do this with a smile on my face! : D

It's still sauheiss here - which is somehow a bit bled because minunten to 3 on the road gleichmal makes sweating it out wide and after a few hours is pretty scabby. The show goes on, thank God - Here it is even relatively pleasant, because the sun is burning down net and it still has grad still just 30th
The price level is fantastic low - I would estimate about 1 / 3 of Austria, whereby if you want to get really cheap and easily comes to 1 / 10 (yesterday complete eat and drink for both got 2.5 €). Therefore, we plan to go shopping even gscheit - The region for that is thank God anyway quite close to our hotel.

Essensmaessig jez isses up quite often the difficult people to make clear what you want about isses and usually quite a surprise what comes out menu - was to jez still very tasty, although for me personally the 1st (That is the shrimps in spicy oil) are still unbeaten. Therefore it is also difficult to be specific bestelln market foods, the restaurants because they usually understand and banana as we have no plan what they woolen tell us if they zutexten us in Chinese. Much like here in Seoul is pretty much straight onto the road and so we shall get there some culinary possibilities. Yesterday, we joined our local crab on the road to nem. This is not 50m from our hotel and we are already vorbeigelatscht few times. There, you get a pot with crabs, previously in nem wock fat with plenty of oil and pfeffersouce and God knows what needs to be prepared. To eat we have got then plastic gloves, which was necessary because things had to eat really tricky - have no idea whether made wirs actually correct - quite a mess wars in any case:)
today, we go even further to nem Buddhist temple and then we are likely to be drifting into the mall and play a bit of our money.

sweaty from gruesse wuhan!
andi & lukas

ps. sorry, I get the photos out mitn still net - a bit ridiculous pcs here.

Monday, July 14, 2008

Modeling Without Clothes By Fashion Tv

arrived in Wuhan

A warm welcome from China - we are actually in Wuhan.
after a 2 1 / 2 hour flight from Seoul yesterday we landed around 23:00 local time in Wuhan and having then taken to the hotel to come. Quite simply threw net, but actually net so dramatically - when entering me, the border guards extra taken out and a little perforated - apparently it Kam's funny to me that we sightseeing make wuhan:)
the airport was active in wuhan very nice small and so We were in a short time (except for the extragespraech with the officers, which I have already made a little nervous) from the airport outside where several taxi drivers around us were courting. We did like the first Taken as the "ah ye ye" said said the name of our hotel as we do. He told us then also to nem ATMs do - that's all very good works and then we're just taxi in the city mim. First they (warn then 2 guys in the car) then held at a Novotel and thought 'hotel hotel ". After a bit of confusion and discussion, we could tell them that we wanted a hotel special - what we then thank God through luck or plan of which - have found - I do not know.
The hotel is quite nice - 4 stars but still pretty cheap. Especially the beds are a huge rise in contrast to the hotel in Seoul and elsewhere, the device quite nice.

After a very good sleep, we started our walk today, just a drop in the area and especially on two things: it is extremely hot - 34 degrees or so - and we are probably the first tourists since 1930. jez a few hours on the road and still have not seen not only Western or Asian face. The people gaze at us sometimes also very surprised:) This is a little seedy cityscape as Seoul, but somehow it seems comfortable - people know whether the net is the weather or the.
after a while we are eingetrudelt restaurant in one where we were a little bit of the attraction and were swarmed by several waiters:) English map gabs course not, and has so hamma simply pointed to something that carried past just one waitress and the hamma then got - a big bowl full of shrimp and vegetables in spicy oil - was very tasty - do we have then taken eireis, which was also extremely good. Jez vorbeigelatscht we are just in a internet cafe and we thought that ma da smooth time stopping by - we are both sweaty already complete from rumgehn.

even see how this go on like this - seems to be adventurous, as the English are level probably still a level is lower, but we will durchkaempfen already anyway:) most people seem MODIFIES at least very friendly and I hope the impressive are not declining.

pictures, there is no time, cause I somehow connect the camera to net zambring Gscheid mim pc.

wished us good luck that we have no chinese eats:) Greetings from wuhan

andi & lukas

Saturday, July 12, 2008

Gmc Yukon With Engine Light On

leaving Seoul, going to wuhan

is sooo our residents seoul almost finished, only a few hours and we sit on the flight to Wuhan (not wu tan ^ ^ I was very amused, however, the name for the city). More accurately highlights from the flight at 21:30 and it is now 14:30. In the early bit of ham, we finished packing and 10 gecheckoutet minutes before the latest check out time. A little bit I have a feeling that is Style glad he we go:) have slept usually quite long and have come home late, but one probably is the only imagination - the surface he is cute as ever;)

yesterday, We in the student district with ner good bottle of soju (drink I could get used to the ^ ^) our farewell celebration. In the afternoon we were finally at the seoul tower above, which we have already made quite long and then end the latest date have taken for it. the tower looks so similar like the Danube tower stands and on nem hill - from the top you have about a wicked look promising and it is the entire city (which somehow seems endless). Unfortunately, the weather yesterday was not so magnificent, so was the view it a bit limited, but the sight impulse response was the same. We have gone up, or rather rushed - namely have a about 50 year old Koreans went ahead of the spur is made known that he strongly dependent on our net, - who had type on it but really a nice tempo. Top first then fat sweating and after calming quarter hour we could move again. Simma down then take the gondola and then we went to nem gfahrn market. On the market hamma some cool things get hold of, but then megamaessig hats started to splatter - was really bad - and we will of course be the umbrellas at home, even though rain has also been in the night:)

today we also have a short souveniertour lying down and get hold of a few souvenirs. At about 4 we then set off airport woolen direction - but this time not mim bus, but with the subway, the airport is connected mim cool as is, although the real net level is near.

this time, there are photos net because we do not have along cameras.
the next update provides then from wuhan!

Have fun all at d2 gamble or what you usually so forces it:)
enjoys the July and the football players: better trained nor a bissl, August in I'm finally back up and running since got it all on the mouth! ^ ^

Friday, July 11, 2008

Kitchens Decorated With Red Apples

Thursday and Friday

halli hallo how are you you so?

unfortunately the lukas after the DMZ tour ailing a little - probably because of the fierce air conditioning systems run anywhere, or otherwise. A little fever and sore throat have crept in any case with him, and he has Wednesday afternoon and Thursday brought calm times. thank God he is already feeling better and the fever is first defeated, just a little sore throat bothering him still.

Because of Luke ruhetag I (Andi) denied yesterday's day alone. I started the day with the 5 stadtpalaeste (now 3rd). Pretty nice with many parks and ponds, but none as exciting as I think. Right after it is a kind of formal garden, which is the outside walls of our room can look (if you shower in the stands, you can admire them too, because right next to the shower is a window ^ ^). This garden was a kind of burial place for emperors and other important persons. The trenches (if one can call it that) even had its own rooms to very large long building were summarized. In the rooms could be stopping by, unfortunately net, but you could gaze images. Before the buildings were each large athletic fields on which earlier 4x will be held in the year and today 1x a year (on 1st Sunday of May) ceremonies to honor the emperor.

versions of the actual park was gathered then so ne art vorpark in which hundreds of old people to play by 1 to 1, a kind of go against each other. I've just watched and it was apparently about to circle with his blocks (black vs. white.) The other and then you could take out the - have got it all ego net. Also, any game with stones being thrown (so similar as botscha, but with 4 blocks and no idea about what it was all ^ ^) they have played - the interesting thing was that the people ummadum have bet with money on the winner, or something.

then off we went to nem lunch, which was directly on my table grilled. this one has received an apron tied around what was a little weird anyway, but it was quite tasty.

the afternoon I am to 2 markets opened in the city - the stuff one more for food and the other for clothing. In the first It was mainly dried fish - in all sizes and variations - and so some other weird-sounding stuff. Bull testicles, however I have not seen:). 'm

between market 1 and 2 I still fall in a fairly crowded shopping area in which I myself in a mall with a Korean hip hop cds, and have a cd bought a Korean boyband. 2 hip hop cds I've scho angehoert bissl frauenchoeren and are all in all, pretty terrible, with lots of kitschy and so synthisizer and stuff, but much else was probably not to be expected ^ ^

Oh yes I have 1 time that an Austrian export discovered here and indeed a pastry from graz! yea!

today we make ourselves just a little because the southern part of Seoul, where we were not as frequently to explore. Were in a park, who also had tombs. Before that we were super fine italia severally eat because we wanted to have known what again. The restaurant was perhaps a touch too fine for us, as reflected in the award-noticeable, but still quite funny wars.
so here are a few photos to jez post:

what's really going on here in Austria? takes place andilan? karo & co are on InterRail? Gleser and I make the elections? what going on there isn? Gusenbauer shot total? ask
many:) but in the comments writes pls
otherwise have fun and @ my family still nice holiday in slovenia
greetings from seoul