Thursday, July 3, 2008

Curtain For Recessed Door


wuhu we are in Seoul !

the flight was exhausting, as sleep was impossible as Sogut but hey :)
are then with the bus! to our hotel GEDU what a ride of about an hour ago represented. The hotel is just a 1 star introduces the hotel, but otherwise solid and is a receptionist very friendly and helpful uuuuuuund he can do well in English what we very help, because we otherwise bissl overwhelmed by the whole ㅕ ㅁ ㄴ호 ㅑ옇 ㅁ냐 ㅕ ㅇ햐면 ㅇ ㅎ feel. Ne have any first time we slept and showered in the shower for Europeans somewhat undersized. same on 2 sender in fernsehn hats played starcraft and later also counter strike.
after our nap we decided to explore a little bit the area. we're pretty close to the center and I must say this link to severe. The roads are in principle at least 4 lanes and lights everywhere are signs and banners and funny Korean.
photos are unfortunately only the next time, because we forgot the camera, but is crowded, eh internet cafes only as of.
jez WORKS even think the jetlag and the general destroyed to overcome the flight.
hamma also eaten anything here, but on the roadside are so many stalls with funny-looking vehicle - because I am looking forward it.
ok so that's even come - stay tuned and greetings from seoul
and because I "character as funny or think there are ne decorative line with Korean:)
ㅕ ㅑ ㅁ ㄴ ㅇ려 ㅑ ㅁ ㄶ랴 ㅓ뮤냐류 ㅕ먀녀 ㅠ ㅍ랴 ㅐ ㅁ ㄶ ㅇ룜 ㄴ고표 ㅑ ㅐ ㅁ놋 ㄱ 7 ㅛ ㅑ ㅁ ㄴ소갸묘녹 ㅎ


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