Saturday, July 12, 2008

Gmc Yukon With Engine Light On

leaving Seoul, going to wuhan

is sooo our residents seoul almost finished, only a few hours and we sit on the flight to Wuhan (not wu tan ^ ^ I was very amused, however, the name for the city). More accurately highlights from the flight at 21:30 and it is now 14:30. In the early bit of ham, we finished packing and 10 gecheckoutet minutes before the latest check out time. A little bit I have a feeling that is Style glad he we go:) have slept usually quite long and have come home late, but one probably is the only imagination - the surface he is cute as ever;)

yesterday, We in the student district with ner good bottle of soju (drink I could get used to the ^ ^) our farewell celebration. In the afternoon we were finally at the seoul tower above, which we have already made quite long and then end the latest date have taken for it. the tower looks so similar like the Danube tower stands and on nem hill - from the top you have about a wicked look promising and it is the entire city (which somehow seems endless). Unfortunately, the weather yesterday was not so magnificent, so was the view it a bit limited, but the sight impulse response was the same. We have gone up, or rather rushed - namely have a about 50 year old Koreans went ahead of the spur is made known that he strongly dependent on our net, - who had type on it but really a nice tempo. Top first then fat sweating and after calming quarter hour we could move again. Simma down then take the gondola and then we went to nem gfahrn market. On the market hamma some cool things get hold of, but then megamaessig hats started to splatter - was really bad - and we will of course be the umbrellas at home, even though rain has also been in the night:)

today we also have a short souveniertour lying down and get hold of a few souvenirs. At about 4 we then set off airport woolen direction - but this time not mim bus, but with the subway, the airport is connected mim cool as is, although the real net level is near.

this time, there are photos net because we do not have along cameras.
the next update provides then from wuhan!

Have fun all at d2 gamble or what you usually so forces it:)
enjoys the July and the football players: better trained nor a bissl, August in I'm finally back up and running since got it all on the mouth! ^ ^


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