Saturday, July 5, 2008

Indian Reception Hairstyles For Men

the jetlag ...

... make us yet a little to create.

do to our bodies somehow not quite the Korean time, get used, so we slept through the day yesterday Sogut as complete:) (got up by 20 clock local time). Even today we did not get 15 clock local time from the hotel, but we are working and have already bought a clock to always know how late it is (do not always carry our phones).

So far we are moving always in the downtown, what with its many lights and banners evident to us and you can hardly get enough. Have a variety of bars and a club that was totally empty, unfortunately, tried, and so it will certainly go on today.
morning then we do a tour in the Korean village folk do what a little outside the city and more or less fake moderately traditional Korea represents.

Bin on it come that my camera unfortunately rather hazy photos makes (white net on whether the user or device is:)) anyway here are some pictures.

1) the hotel room,
2) Korean spicy food we ate yesterday (0 Plan What is it, but we can do shows and it was then fried somehow oil with a lot, hot sauce and spinach) before a sharp mussel soup.
3) our "native beer" cass, usually served with popcorn (either sweet or super zach) or peanuts
4) the street or the internet cafe in which we find ourselves (PC = internet cafe) - aja rained before it in, but jez is made - which deserves sauschwuel
5) a Chinese urinal, like so many things are for us rather undersized and on the floor stand:)

times so nice greetings from Seoul, a lot of fun in Klosterneuburg and stay tuned for cultural action ^ ^

ps. @ thomas - pc for LAN could ham


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