Sunday, July 27, 2008

Italian Quando Una Donna

hong kong

the most important is time that Have we survived:)
jez we sit in macao grad in nem internet cafe and kill time until our ferry at 3:00 am stores - were the day over here - we really wanted the city are seeing, but when we arrived skillful hats arg to splatter and therefore simma the casino. At 20:00 simma but then get out and have an hour long visit macao - really really cute town (besides the casinos) - Portuguese and very cool ne pedestrian with a few sightseeing spots.

have Friday night we destroy even one of the two party spots (white grad net had was called and have no time more nachzuschaun it - we have to go in 5 min schowieda) tried - it was street so ne which was crowded really crass to left and left nothing but small local - bit like the 1st - Are there for an hour or so in nem looked more oriental shisha, and squatted with local beer and then some - around the road course and action in the side streets - I personally found there However, net so special - somehow schicki micki - as the first just about.
mim then taxi to the 2 location - which has proven to be quite peculiar. there was also built around a single road around, only the local warning somewhat different nature. most were namely puffs - interestingly, are mostly outside the puffmuetter stood (the crumpled 60-year) - have you then tried quite aggressive reinzuholen. However gabs net only puffs but also between ordinary local - took the industry mix very intresting - tried in any case hamma 2 local and ausm as we second out are two types we have addressed the in search of a good party was around - just like us - have joined forces again and smooth locally from the next normal. the warning 2 is a super couple - the one a little more kongnese young hong and the other big, fat, old, and black Americans:) adam and kevin by name and very funny guys - really weird on it. in which we are locally in me slipped we also have 2 German businessmaenner taken - which can be even in the Internet-gaze: (video gaze) - the type ausm video and a supporting role - fausto - is only about 2 seconds before - warn there in the local and have explained to us how to live the so-masters. was very weird to hear but still intresting. thereafter, the kevin met one joyous, who was very drunk but said he was shaolin moensch what the kevin confirmed and he said he can to bring in Luke 0:00, nothing to ground when he attacks him - in the end, both are Gleg:) with the types we are then left in ner disco - more details on request gibts then:)
aja and the small hongkongnese us to ne Saturday invited party - where we are smooth times gone well, but we got there until half past 12 - ok im running out of time - more details are mornings.
good night and nice greetings from the Las Vegas of the East!

* partially edit 2:

we are late yesterday but the ferry still come home, the cool as 24 / 7 from Macau to Hong Kong moves (in the night, unfortunately, net quite frequentiv, as we discovered yesterday).
I'm still waiting, is Saturday: hats started twice with an anti-hangover breakfast mcdonalds and because of our major motivation, we have thrown us into the first internet cafe and gambled a bit. then we went to the museum of art. The museum is divided into several sticks, exhibition rooms, each with 1-3 per stock. were some very intresting things and a few less intressant - the gift shop was very cool:) Buttons
further into the museum of sience, which was built a little more interactive with many and turning things. was just a bit for kid's, but still very nice set up and the installations have been fun.
after our museum tour we were eating Chinese - and we having wiedermal exaggerated what we recently time every now and then happened. completely gorged simma dannn back to the hotel and then threw just now 23:00. mim then taxi to the home party to which we were invited by adam. area in hong kong Gibts ne - up the hill - where all the snobs live and pimps and the taxi is as cool down in the exact direction (we knew had net wos is just the address). had arrived schonmal the garage a good sign with Jaguar, Porsche, Maserati and co. The apartment has then confirmed the impression also - very stylish with things from Africa, Europe and Asian traditional mold. Interestingly, two minutes after we got pretty much all people have gone down to adam and kevin (who lived at adam) - was, however, not bad, because that alone was too funny. about an hour later we forged over the plan to drive into the city - adam could but unfortunately never with, but Kevin Luke and I are still down. was cab ride bit confusing because of kevin in Mandarin with the taxi drivers could only Cantonese was spoken and we have a are detour suddenly landed on the location numero 2 from yesterday - I was not white planned obs or random in any case, we warn jez there and there are still a lot of hours spent. -
three things I need to write yet, so I do not forget, have to do with the evening will probably not check:
the spit
give me money

garnet knew that the Further action suit these days took place - such as wars, how long was it?
arrival should be immernonch 18:10 change when nothing - buaaaeee announced tomorrow all day flight, which is Schirch.
statements as of today we visit another island here in hong kong - it stand three to choose from and we're not quite sure what net. The weather looks now take them out so beautifully - yesterday heavy rain in the afternoon and today somehow bleak - I think the good weather is coming to austria:)
cu soon


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