Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Chances Of Catching Scabies From Bedding



as already mentioned in previous comments, we have to jez can identify only one internet cafe and the is little away from our hotel and the whole even in the rather not downtown, that is even more fucked up area:)
fucked up is a good keyword - the impression has changed is nothing necessarily - most of the works city run down with many buildings in construction or in torn land. Nevertheless, there are some lovely spots in between - for example, a shopping area with tip top shopping centers and its kind Mariahilferstrasse.
has kulturmaessig the offer to the city a lot - we were yesterday at the Yellow Crane Tower - an approximately 7 level chinese tower as he was imagining:) was quite a nice view from above, including the Yangtze, which is really neat wide. around the tower a park with several pavilions, a giant scorching locke and flexi riessenstatue by nem China's warlords (or something) - which looks at each case very hoat.
right next to the tower is the red chamber - a memorial to the revolution in China in 1911, which is started there. Unfortunately, they have got there just as we locked, so we have to hinschaun there again.
The first 2 days we have explored the area and the impressive of us as aliens has quite confirmed. The counter is so far in western faces 5 and 4 of them were in our hotel. The 5th was a New Zealander who has written us a few spots at which we gaze solln. Unfortunately, he also said (and this also coincides with some of our most impressive) that partymaessig net is so much going on - or that it is holding no clubs or anything else. Moreover, it seems, unfortunately, here in the more southern china soo not usual to eat his dog: / but it has meant there are already restaurants that - just knew exactly where net, but we have his number, and hopefully I'll come to my dog - for all this does not know - yes I have to eat before a dog and will do this with a smile on my face! : D

It's still sauheiss here - which is somehow a bit bled because minunten to 3 on the road gleichmal makes sweating it out wide and after a few hours is pretty scabby. The show goes on, thank God - Here it is even relatively pleasant, because the sun is burning down net and it still has grad still just 30th
The price level is fantastic low - I would estimate about 1 / 3 of Austria, whereby if you want to get really cheap and easily comes to 1 / 10 (yesterday complete eat and drink for both got 2.5 €). Therefore, we plan to go shopping even gscheit - The region for that is thank God anyway quite close to our hotel.

Essensmaessig jez isses up quite often the difficult people to make clear what you want about isses and usually quite a surprise what comes out menu - was to jez still very tasty, although for me personally the 1st (That is the shrimps in spicy oil) are still unbeaten. Therefore it is also difficult to be specific bestelln market foods, the restaurants because they usually understand and banana as we have no plan what they woolen tell us if they zutexten us in Chinese. Much like here in Seoul is pretty much straight onto the road and so we shall get there some culinary possibilities. Yesterday, we joined our local crab on the road to nem. This is not 50m from our hotel and we are already vorbeigelatscht few times. There, you get a pot with crabs, previously in nem wock fat with plenty of oil and pfeffersouce and God knows what needs to be prepared. To eat we have got then plastic gloves, which was necessary because things had to eat really tricky - have no idea whether made wirs actually correct - quite a mess wars in any case:)
today, we go even further to nem Buddhist temple and then we are likely to be drifting into the mall and play a bit of our money.

sweaty from gruesse wuhan!
andi & lukas

ps. sorry, I get the photos out mitn still net - a bit ridiculous pcs here.


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