Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Mcdonalds Australia Hourly Pay Rates

DMZ and other stuff

ho ho ho

what have I forgot yesterday or as regards weather:
at how the description of the boat tour The weather was already described in the first days very foggy and humid, what has changed since yesterday in sunny and hot. The sun beats down and really bad jez you can understand why the people here seem to air conditioning systems so-crazy (just like in any building runs ne air conditioning to 18 degrees or so). This has the advantage that everything looks a little nicer, but also just isses ne track hot and we sweat us the posterior away:) This morning we had

a tour in the demilitarized zone or in the area. It was already going on at 7:30 - which is not too much sleep and quite jez fatigue after the tour for us, has. The demilitarized zone is a zone on the border between North and South Korea in which, as its name indicates, is not a military - or, in general there is not much (which in turn is the nature of good there). It is about 4 km wide strip on the 38th latitude, which extends over approximately 250km.
The first stop of the tour a place on the one hand, a few souvenir was the Korean War (about 1950 - after WW2 when Japan withdrew from Korea and the U.S. supported by the liberal and the communist Soviet Union and China supported the Koreans einhauten skull) and a rather deserted-looking small amusement parks. What was the amusement parks there, made so clear to us net, it had definitely a little weird. There we also increased from the original bus brought us to the place to another, apparently because only special buses reinduerfen in the zone - from there it was a little more closely and it was told us we can not make nurmehr photos if it allows us is, otherwise the soldiers could come and delete photos or in the worst case the konfeszieren memory card or camera.
Next we went through ne art border control - an issue which I think conscripts has checked the passports of the people in the bus. After the control we went to the last station north of the South direction - a stationary line of the Trans-Korea, China and South Korea should join the rest of the mainland and has connected to before the Korean War. The station looked very modern but containing little unnecessary, but what you could hear it is out of the plane the trans-Korean railway line to rebuild, because so much time and money can be saved during transport to Europe. Very proud they were there that George Bush was there in 2002 and together with South Korean President has a speech and has left an autograph on nem stein. You could die there 2 of the railway line and North Korea on a stamped piece of paper - it quite often, they pointed out that in the not so That would be bissl bloed - his right to make.
Next we went to probably the coolest station of the tour - to see where you could aussichtshuegel in the DMZ. Photos were there only allowed to certain nerve line and it was won by so far catcher to 500 (approx 30 cents) gaze. In the DMZ there are 2 villages and a factory. Villages in each village of South and norkorea, where the alleged North Korean propaganda purposes only stands (I'm there gsehn people, but who knows what which ones were from the remote) and the South Korean village is inhabited said. In two villages stand very high masts with the respective flag on it. The factory is a joint project of the states and working both south-and norkoreaner. A step toward reconciliation as it were - in general, I had the impression that a wiederzusammenfuehrung the states, although pre-see in the long-term plan already, but the suedkorener are quite skeptical and a little sour.

Next station was a tunnel to the North Koreans seem to have dug under the DMZ or blown up to a possible invasion to start. Before we went into the tunnel Thats has a short museum, including propaganda video (with weeping maiden at the beginning and the end they will be happy and laughs and it is said how great the DMZ is not - I came, just as the whole station around the tunnel, a bit of English before). Then just in the tunnel inside - photos unfortunately not allowed. The tunnel itself was quite deep down and we had to put NEN helmet - why then was immediately clear as the actual tunnel began - had same degree by about 2x2 meters and because the floor was laid and the deckenstuetzen was not much space towards the top - in other words, we giant europeans crouched had to go - not exactly an enjoyable, but whatever:)

came then we still village briefly in the host closest to passing in South Korea - live there especially farmer, the tax benefits and got free houses have so they can settle there, because otherwise Nobody wanted to live there for fear of the North Koreans.

Now we are back and rest a little from us in the internet cafe.

to say about the evening program indicates that it unfortunately the English is generally much more difficult than previously thought - no one, not even the young can, English, and then only very broken. Nevertheless, we had to make on Saturday, the lucky Koreans who were in Chicago for a while NEN language course and could therefore speak to us. Was a very funny evening that - they have a little Korean customs (drinking games & nationalgetraenk soju) brought closer and after a long stay in ner bar we went sing karaoke: D
the next evening we have then the cousin from a friend in Austria, a little town in the club scene and showed us two very nice spots for party palatable - unfortunately, we have joined has not yet try them out, but that is tuned to meet every fall in the next, and especially on weekends, because there is abgehn pretty. Unfortunately, it was also the cousin little English and it was also a bit weird:)
downtown we have known quite well what goes up like that and the Korean food we do not complete any more strange. You get to eat usually 100 bowls with different things on the set table - as one that is in combination are best we are not confident, but we do our best:)
so - jez are some photos from the DMZ and the eat - I do it this time only the end, because the position of photos here is a real cramp:)


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