Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Dell Gx620 Audio Treiber 64 Bit

busy in Seoul

halli hallo the Asia tourist sign up again word for it:)

sorry, has it taken so long, but we warn very busy the last few days.

the jetlag has set right with the very good and we are jez pretty well used to the daily rhythm - no alarm clock Have we still managed to 13:30 hours kip, but what it is to vacation ^ ^

actually we wanted to yes take a tour have the korean folk village, have unfortunately become nothing it is because its not on sunday taking place, but instead we have a tour to the coex aquarium with a boat trip on ... uh river (all Korean names to remember are totally hard, because everything sounds so similar - just as words, names, etc.). In the end, then to a NEM amethistenshop (quite unnecessarily, especially because no one has bought what) and a temple in the city, the culture of the most interesting part of the tour actually represented.

The COEX Aquarium is in the COEX mall, which is a fairly rich shopping center (and hotel and festsaalraeume and God knows what all) is. the tour was on to a thrilling 10-10 catfish probably her so ne 4, but they did have entertainment value, because the driver has moved permanently to his right and the lady (very motivated lant ^ ^) has ripped him in Korean law. By the coex mall, we are unfortunately durchgerusht right, but doing it and the rest of the city want more and I think we we will meet in the other again then move there (near the city is as the Olympic stadium of 1988 and be a nice club scene). The boat trip would have been better if we had not such a stupid weather (very foggy) had. by the way the weather was on today and actually thought've known that it is not weatherproof, but the general smog, is that after 3 km no longer see - today we were wrong.

amethistenshop to say is not much, because he as already mentioned above, was quite unnecessary - most perhaps, that (what I could elicit the sales aufgsagten in aisaenglisch sale of the lady) in South Korea has traditionally reduce Amethist. The temple was then

quite cool, with 3 buddha (one for quality, as a healing art and the 3rd, we never know) people inside and there have actually been praying (ie net only fake) - and the city in the middle of the .

here are some pictures tour of the:

after something unproffesionell acting tour we thought we take the cultural program, even in the hand and on the next visit tag the urban palaces (5 of them are 2, we have seen to date - apparently the two best). One of the palaces is very close to our hotel also visit the wars obvious. We warn before (however so around 18:00) there did and pure, but he was too and this time we should have deceived us in our naive plan to visit him - namely because Monday is day of rest was (until the 3rd try work then, but more on that later).

Since we are not helping one came in, we headed to the next - palace of Gyeongbokgung (internet copy pasted from, otherwise I would have this name net know - for me, wars always the "g - palace", which in our hotel is the "c - palace" (:).

This palace is the largest and most important of the city. A self guided audio tour (so ne art mp3 player) has provided us with this information - which was not always easy to follow, but all in all wars but rather intressant. The palace, however, is no longer in original condition, because much was destroyed during the Japanese rule (which is about 100 points again - still seem to be a little pissed off). Nevertheless, the palatial look very impulse response and pond with pretty they complete the overall look very nice.

DC next to the palace houses the National Folklore Museum, which we indulged in the same connection. There it was learned a lot about the Korean history and their traditions. The museum has approached us something Shy acting Koreans, who apparently watched the European Championship and we could chat for a while about this.

After the museum we headed towards City Hall, which was completely surrounded by police buses and at the entrance to the place you had a horde of policemen. There is unrest apparently for some time, because beef imports? or against the president? we could find out the latest not sure yet, maybe this is indeed what is in the news? Well - so bad it is (is on a rampage so do not worry, net) will not either, but a very large demonstration, we have already seen and today was before a building a TV station and bit confrontational with ner rather tumultuous talk of a Korean.

wirs today having finally made the c - palace (including Changdeokgung) to behold. All this time was a english guided tour (ie a guide), which is reflected in my eyes as it has been found better than the self guided tour, because you could follow her something better. The palace of the buildings has acted similarly to the first - There were only arranged differently and less, but behind the palace is the secret reindurfte garden (actually forbidden garden, because only the royal family - why do I also knew secret net, and the leader of a net, it said, but somehow it is the same (:) The garden has given me, just like the rest of the palace, very well-liked - lots of trees and small ponds with pavilions for the emperor and his family -. everything is built up in all handsome

After the palace we headed to the Yeouido island there are. 2 nice parks (one right on the river) and many many hochhaeuser -. including a few television studios Among them is the MBC television studio from which we hoped to starcraft can watch matches (because they are transferred to the sender MBC.game), however, was the not so clean and we could garnichtmal Buildings in the MBC. Thank God, was one of the security people so friendly for us figure out how the games starcraft so. It turned out everything that the not at all be taken up and there he wrote to us in Korean a few data on which should help us to go there to find. Happy with the prospect of live starcraft games then we went to a famous island on 63 floors of the building on. Unfortunately we could not quite up because it is up there apparently restored, but also looks from the bottom of the thing quite nice.

Then we went to First, on the subway station has been described to us the security officials to seek after the stacraft studio. That turned out to be not quite so simple, but by asking for four-time and 1 x fully running in the wrong direction then Have we done yet and we were really here. unfortunately the camera in the expected juice and we could make only one photo - but we were there and witnessed a live starcraft match! :) As the only Western people in the room we were filmed of course also (wooooooow). Unfortunately, we warn a bit After a long herumhatschtag and made us after a game has gone on since we were also able to grab a seat.

ok so far as times of our culture / school activities - it is jez 23:30 local time tomorrow and going for us already at 7:30 in the morning to the demilitarized zone, so come jez i unfortunately never to the evenings or to describe the whole freaky eat, but that will come:)
will probably try in future to report actually more in 1 day intervals, which is somehow quite extensively - but a little too narrative description should be .. ;)

Greetings from Seoul!

lukas & andi


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