Monday, July 28, 2008

5 Minutes Activities About Color

this is it!

sooo the last day in Asia is almost over and tomorrow we are going by 6 clock in the morning going to the airport - first to helsinki and if everything runs according to plan, we invite Helsinki Vienna coming in at 18:10.
because we are actually quite agree that it's pretty bad, first, that we already fly home, but we are also looking forward to the other at home - well as make kamma probably nothing, but life goes on and the summer is too long:)

today we have spent the day over on an Island in the vicinity of Hong Kong - Lamma Iceland. page first with the ferry on one side and then walk to the other via NEN. domestic activities and very gmuetlich the island - was really a nice conclusion. there are no cars (except so a few little buggy) and somehow you get the feeling there are all satisfied and happy. the 2 faehrenstationen are fishing villages in small and in between weigh says about 1 1 / 2 hour studded walk with 2 beaches (have looked at only one), hills, a little forest and Riess spin - which are directly hung o'er gone - thank God in about 1 , 95 height - Luke is the procedure and has the garnet seen - I was almost under it and then scho hats Grissen me suddenly. berni inside the waer picks --- uaeehhhh.
2nd village we have then enjoyed eating an extensive seafood, which we were allowed to choose the animals ausm the pool we wanted to eat - very tasty, very expensive allderings ^ ^
then by ferry to Kowloon zrueck and Luke has been checked by nem inthe ne copy rolex:)

krems 29.-31. boaaa u make me sick! i will very happy to go, but i know if i really net the pack - and we only just come at 18:10 to - you want to hers not move a day or so? When does her away? is 31 because people have to work?

nagut see you tomorrow:)


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